Aug 16, 2019

I've Been Creating Some Pour Art Lately...

Collage of my latest works - click to enlarge
... and here are some images from my latest work. Some are "Tiny Art" (3"x5"), others are small works between 8"x10" and 9"x12". If you would like to see how I worked on these paintings visually, visit my YouTube "Bronislava Art" channel to see my videos.

Jun 4, 2019

Acrylic Pour On Glass

Today I would like to share with you my acrylic puddle pour on glass with a funnel. First, I cleaned my glass with Windex. I wanted to make sure the paint will stick to the glass properly. Then I mixed my colors as such:

  • Titanium White - mixed 1 part white + 2 parts Floetrol, no silicone
  • 0.8 oz Phthalo Blue + 1.6 oz Floetrol + 5 drops of silicone (dark blue)
  • 0.4 oz + Phthalo Blue + 0.1 oz Titanium White +1 oz Floetrol + 5 drops of silicone (medium blue)
  • 0.4 oz + Phthalo Blue + 0.4 oz Titanium White +1.6 oz Floetrol + 5 drops of silicone (light blue)
If interested, see the video of my pour HERE

In the image below, you can see the outcome on both sides of the glass, framed and unframed. As you see you can have two choices of a painting - front of the paint or back of the paint since the color can be seen through the glass.